Thursday, April 03, 2008

So sad...

Well no sooner do I post a pic of the studio but then we hear that we are being closed down *shakes fist*
Well fear not, the spirit of Beat Comics will live on... stay tuned to see what I mean.
In the meantime I will try and keep posting artwork from the Beat guys here for all to see.


TripleM said...

its my first time to visit your blog to notice that you are about to close down...guys please you're doing a great job here...think twice...

Andrew Cramer said...

Sorry man, it's already happened and it wasn't our decision. But like I said,keep an eye out for more work. Hopefully I'll be able to post some stuff from the guys.

Thanks for the kind words.

krazybov said...

I just got here too and sad to hear you've been closed down.
Are you allowed to give more details?
Such a shame but I wish you all the best for whatever you'll be doing next.